
Saturday 3 December 2022

TTMMGH #00001

Looking for a good solid reliable manufacturer with good solid reliable products? Look no further!

It just screams quality.

What could be more appealing? Find an advert online for a product, copy/paste it at crap resolution, add your own brilliant salesmanship, profit!

Unsurprisingly, when you look at the item on sale there's actually a choice of three charging boards. 

Unsurprisingly, none of them is actually this one. 

Unsurprisingly, I actually bypassed this store.

Does anyone know a good cheap little board that'll charge a Li-Ion cell from a 3.3V solar cell? Leave a comment if you have any tips, or @prawntech3d@mastodon.online. 


I find a few Things That Made Me Go Hmm while I'm going about my days, and in the past I've generally posted them on messaging services or just uploaded a graphic, but I reckon maybe this should become an occasional segment across all of my blogs. so TTMMGH #xxxxx will appear on whichever one the ttmmgh is most relevant to. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I enjoy coming across them and making a short article out of them. 

The Usual Blah Blah Blah

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Making Web Toys I Can Use

Bear with me. It's not often I get to brag about stuff I've designed. I say "designed" because I figured it out, then got ...