
Saturday 5 November 2022

Mastodon Lore

The Wooly Toot Suite

Having just snuck across from the birdsite to the effalumpsite, I'm still finding it weird that there's no central exchange mechanism I can find. And people from the birdsite are a-clumping here and there and there's no easy way I've found (so far!) that can let me see all the people I know.
EDIT: Yes I have see "Here's what I've learned so far:"

Here are a Quick Guide to Mastodon, and a list of Instances in the Mastodoniverse to start off with.

DM me @prawnheads1 or leave a comment if there's anything to add, let's make this a useful 

. . .
(Are you ready?) 


(I'll show myself out.)

Here's what I've learned so far:

Ask the person their username and Mastodon instance. (It's Mastodonspeak for "server.") Then I follow @username@instance by searching for them on my instance, then in the follow screen I can also hit the notification bell if I want to be notified when they toot. 

Now I can see their toots (Toots? My bum "toots". . .  But apparently it's the legit equivalent to a tweet here.) and now their toots will show up under the "Home" stream and apparently under the "Federated" button I see a firehose of posts - that include the posts from my twoops. (C'mon! If "toot" = "tweet" then the Mastodon equivalent of "tweeps" must be "twoops" ! )

"Wally the Twoops!"

"Local" includes messages of people on the serv... - the instance you're on and the messages of people your instance herd follow. 

Useful Thing: Under Settings | Preferences | Other you can kind of cut the firehose of tootings down a bit by filtering to languages you're comfortable with. I understand enough of about five Western languages that I can sort of get along (with the help of Google Translate for the difficult bits) so that helps, and Mastodon actual;ly has a decent translate feature too should you want it.
Also anyone can host an instance in which one can perhaps federate only twoops of interest but that seems a radical thing to do - "Oh, Twitter's shit, I'll just start my own messaging server!" - so instead I'll put a list of serve- ... of instances that people seem to be going to. Also if people want I can put a directory here for others to find one another. 

Finding People: Thanks to Lost In Tech, FediFinder. 

I'll start: 

I'm @prawntech3d@mastodon.online 


There are a few hundred instances to choose from, some nice some not so nice, here's a list.

And here are a few I know people are going to:

Finding me on other sites:

For anyone jumping ship due to the Musky smell, I'm also on https://odysee.com/@Prawntech3D and https://youtube.com/@ptec3d and you can get my newsfeed here http://ohaicorona.com/teds-news-stand

Cheers ma cher twoops!

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