
Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Why Have I Been Quiet? Pt 3

The First Parcel and Beyond

Finished. Note that the first picture is from the day before cutting the hatch in, which I think was a Monday, and the external and functional bits were probably finished Wednesday. I wrote part of this after, but some of the pictures were - it's just complicated, all right? (Which is Ted code for "I've forgotten stuff already and I'm piecing this together from the odd notes and photos I took." )

Thursday we had a series of medical appointments that took us out, back home, and out again. Each time, I checked the receiving tub for parcels. And on the last outing of the day, after checking the plastic tub again, I decided to walk back up the driveway to the back gate and check. You know, just in case. 

This pic is from just before cutting the hatch through
and the spot where it now is, is right above the white
sign there. Also, that's where the tub was - but not on
the day in question, there was just bare concrete by then.

"The tub *used to be there* oh well. I'll pretend it was" 

That's me, trying to imagine what the postie was thinking when he - dropped the parcel right under the new parcel hatch with the A4 laminated sign saying "New Parcel Delivery" and left it there.

... and that's the hatch and A4 sign, that was
right above and fully operational on the
day in question.

The tub wasn't there because it was inside - right under the A4 laminated sign saying "New Parcel Delivery" that the postie obviously hadn't read. Anyway. That happened. 

Then it was Friday without another delivery, (believe me I was itching to get a delivery just for the thrill of seeing the thing actually in use) and so on the weekend I put a second poster up with an arrow pointing to the hatch. But it'd be almost a whole week before I got to see it used for real... 

The Test Parcel got "delivered" multiple times, at
first because it would be a good size and weight to
test that parcels would end up in the tub and not on
the cement underneath.

But eventually I started just "delivering" it in true cargo cult fashion to try and attract a real parcel by sympathetic magic - and eventually it worked, the next delivery however was HUGE and I was frankly surprised that the 30x45x12 manchester package fitted and dropped in at all - and that was alongside a package containing a full spool of filament. Colour me impressed with myself... 😸

But that large delivery "broke the drought" and since then the cargo cult's managed to magic up half a dozen packages and larger envelopes for us. 

Cats In Design

The design doesn't leak cats due to the hermetic seal (well if you're a cat the small gaps are as good as a hermetic seal I guess) and it hasn't given the postie hernias because of the over-centre-assisted closing design. The only thing I can honestly say could have been made better is the counterweight - 1.5litres of water in a plastic milk jug doesn't seem like it'll stand the test of time too well... 

But it does prove the weight needed. I'll find a suitable solid weight in time and replace it, and for now it's doing the job. 

Bonus PS: In the first pic above you'll see the rusted tin can on the right, the padlock that secures the door of the shed is under it, one of my favourite life hacks. It keeps rain (of which we've had a lot in the last few La Nina years) out of the padlock. I have to thank my father for this hack, he'd been using tins to keep padlocks unrusted and operational since the 70s. 

Latest Pics

Well before completion.

That photo shows the tub in its alcove, but is just before I put the clear plastic water shield flap over the opening where the tub comes out, and also before the corruga - ... look, why don't I go and get a progress photo? OneMomentPlease...

Most Recent Pics

Only missing Mrs Ptec3d's
art contribution, she'll mosaic
and artwork the heck out of it.

That's completed, mostly. There's the corrugated roofing piece that stops the cats from attaining Kitty Nirvana by jumping over the fence and trying to cross the highway that's about 25m from this gate. You can make out the clear plastic skirt that keeps cats and rain out of the tub.

And that's the postie's-eye-view of the whole delivery process. The piece of cord at the left runs to the counterweight and is arranged overcentre, that is, the door's quite happy to sit like that. Moving back along the door, there's a grey slide made from one of those flexible cutting boards, and then there's an inside door too that you can see, it drops away as the door is brought up and so the parcel slides back and gets dropped inside into the tub.

When the door is open, it blocks access to the tub and also - as a very last resort - if a cat's managed to smuggle itself into the whole enclosure past the cat-hermetic seal then it can't get up when the postie opens things up. (And then the cat gets showered in parcels so not sure if that's a disincentive or reward for them...)

Elvis And Me

... and a bunch of bananas. 

When the NSBG is (finally...) finished, it'll feature the little Tinkercad Man, the Tinkercad Elvis, and a tiny bunch of some supermarket promo bananas. There's a backstory you can follow back here in the previous posts but basically it came about because I used them in the Tinkercad mockup I made to show the landlord, and resulted in a large(ish) donation of fence palings from him. 

Yeah so there I was chillin' with Elvis . . .
Yep, THAT Tinkercad drawing. Keen observers will have spotted myself and Elvis, and the super-observant would have noticed the banana in the Package Receiving Area as well. It's a slightly large exotic banana but perfectly good for scale. And if you know, you know. 

So Mrs Ptec3d sneakily got online and bought an Elvis keyring. And found a Coles promo banana toy, the kind you get if you spend more than twenty bucks or whatever. The stage, as they say, was set. AND THEN! We got Solar Jiggly Elvis, as well!

He's solar, and he's jiggly,
and he's Elvis dammit.

So the plan is to create a diorama - of the diorama that I created in Tinkercad - and attach it to the NSBG. Oh some of you may have been looking at the whole setup and wondering how well the plastic rain flap etc would survive the sun. Here's the thing. We live in the southern hemisphere, and the gate faces north - the sun never reaches over this side. So the diorama will be safe from the sun, attached to the inner side of it.

And since Solar Jiggly Elvis needs sun in order to work he'll have to have some kind of glass housing to keep the rain off and let his Jiggly Power in. But he also needs to keep his cool. Hmmm... Another project. Oh and of course, Tinkercad Me and Tinkercad Elvis are 3D models, aren't they? And 3D models can be printed... More projects... 

It's like I have a project
and a 3D printer...


Anyway. That'll be another post one day. I did let the BG / NSBG project get in the way of posting stuff or doing anything else because I thought it prudent to finish this quickly once we'd started the ball rolling.

Another article, another footer

It marks the end of this article. But it's nowhere near the end for me. I take several days (sometimes an article accumulates over the space of months, even) to find a topic to write about, then properly research it, and then write and schedule it. I also spend some of my VERY limited pension on keeping servers and domain names going, more for the R&D I do. You can help me by sharing this article or the link to the newsletter I put out, or more directly by making a Paypal donation here. Failing that you can also go to my Ko-Fi page and set up a monthly donation. Every thing you can do to get involved, donate, submit tips or story ideas - all helps me keep going. Just the thought that you appreciate the stuff I do is a great morale booster. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Grrr! Things That Make Ya Go Grrrr...

Watch out for things that are not as they appear.

I have a cheap 3V battery shaver which has been the bane of my life, but I need it and a more expensive unit is out of the question. And look - I have some old 18650 batteries out of old laptops that are perfectly okay, and would save me 2 AA batteries every five weeks or so.

So I found some cute little USB-C to Li-Ion battery management type systems, separate output with low voltage cutout, and they are cheap, around two Aussie bucks and a five week wait. (*sigh* what is it with postal services? making a FORTUNE with all the parcel traffic the last few years, apparently pissed it up against the wall because the services are experiencing less traffic now but are still as slow or in some cases even slower... Australia Post I'm looking at you.)

Butchered the case to fit the cell and board, found a way to fit it so the USB socket is hidden under the old battery cover, wired it up and - SUCCESS! PROFIT! (Well not so much profit but SAVINGS!) then I plugged in the USB and SUCCESS! CHARGING! and that was all excellent so I clipped the covers together 

... and the magic smoke came out ... 


Why would an inside label in a dirt cheap no-name no-brand shaver be made out of aluminium and not Mylar? Where the hell did they even GET aluminium labels from? 


The label has been removed, shredded, and chucked out. And luckily when it comes to cheap parts like this I work on the prepper credo "Two is One and One is None" ("and Three is Probably Better" - Ted's Corollary to the Credo) and I'd actually bought a pack of three. After a brief cool-down (me, that is, the poor little board died silently) I'll go back and un-glue the dead board and fit a new one. 

Anyhow if I recharge the 18650 just once over the next three months I'll have recouped the monetary and environmental cost of the four AA batteries I'd have consumed. (Note to self: Also remember to put two diodes in series with the motor to drop the voltage a bit, it was running VERY fast on the 5V output...)


As always, please share this article and my others like it, go to my News Stand to see all my other posts and share links to the News Stand and any articles you found interesting, and if you can, donate here or here and find out here why it's important. Or subscribe to my once a week newsletter and stay in the loop.

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Repository A.

Repository A.

Since Mastodon instances are often run as a free service, it seems only right not to overwork them by uploading huge videos (!!!! they need to store those, imagine if you had to store every video you watched it soon adds up...) and to a smaller degree, pictures and animated GIFs. 

I'm after a way I can put my images up on my local Mastodon instance (@prawntech3d@mastodon.online if you want to follow me) that doesn't depend on their database for storage. I have this blog, and it can host images for me in posts, so I'm giving it a try. The idea is a bit like CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) used by some sites. 

Places like Cloudflare, for example, host your content on their worldwide network of servers and you just put a CDN link into your web page, and that fetches the images/videos/documents from there. The result is that since your content is hosted on a network of servers there'll be one nearer to your reader than you are so the content will load faster, and as a bonus you don't need to store it on your server. 

What I'm doing here isn't exactly like a CDN because most messaging sites don't have a way for inline loading CDN content. Yet. So this is an experiment. I'll put photos and so forth here and see if I can link to them in messages (I know I can, but then the reader has to click the link to follow it) but also if there's a way to make them appear inline, i.e. just appear in the message itself like they do if I send them normally. 

EDIT: It seems I was right to choose this option, because the large influx of new users may have overloaded the database of the file server section of the instance. For now, let's enjoy the fact that I can still make my images available to my messaging contacts.

Repo Begins:

Random test image off my camera, a two panel panorama of the ocean between Wonthaggi and Inverloch taken one late afternoon recently.

if Ye know of a ting called "Little Britain" Ye will LOL.

I found this scribbled note outside Twitter HQ, I swear!

Big sets in big families.

Grammar. Change my mind.
















Saturday, 5 November 2022

Mastodon Lore

The Wooly Toot Suite

Having just snuck across from the birdsite to the effalumpsite, I'm still finding it weird that there's no central exchange mechanism I can find. And people from the birdsite are a-clumping here and there and there's no easy way I've found (so far!) that can let me see all the people I know.
EDIT: Yes I have see "Here's what I've learned so far:"

Here are a Quick Guide to Mastodon, and a list of Instances in the Mastodoniverse to start off with.

DM me @prawnheads1 or leave a comment if there's anything to add, let's make this a useful 

. . .
(Are you ready?) 


(I'll show myself out.)

Here's what I've learned so far:

Ask the person their username and Mastodon instance. (It's Mastodonspeak for "server.") Then I follow @username@instance by searching for them on my instance, then in the follow screen I can also hit the notification bell if I want to be notified when they toot. 

Now I can see their toots (Toots? My bum "toots". . .  But apparently it's the legit equivalent to a tweet here.) and now their toots will show up under the "Home" stream and apparently under the "Federated" button I see a firehose of posts - that include the posts from my twoops. (C'mon! If "toot" = "tweet" then the Mastodon equivalent of "tweeps" must be "twoops" ! )

"Wally the Twoops!"

"Local" includes messages of people on the serv... - the instance you're on and the messages of people your instance herd follow. 

Useful Thing: Under Settings | Preferences | Other you can kind of cut the firehose of tootings down a bit by filtering to languages you're comfortable with. I understand enough of about five Western languages that I can sort of get along (with the help of Google Translate for the difficult bits) so that helps, and Mastodon actual;ly has a decent translate feature too should you want it.
Also anyone can host an instance in which one can perhaps federate only twoops of interest but that seems a radical thing to do - "Oh, Twitter's shit, I'll just start my own messaging server!" - so instead I'll put a list of serve- ... of instances that people seem to be going to. Also if people want I can put a directory here for others to find one another. 

Finding People: Thanks to Lost In Tech, FediFinder. 

I'll start: 

I'm @prawntech3d@mastodon.online 


There are a few hundred instances to choose from, some nice some not so nice, here's a list.

And here are a few I know people are going to:

Finding me on other sites:

For anyone jumping ship due to the Musky smell, I'm also on https://odysee.com/@Prawntech3D and https://youtube.com/@ptec3d and you can get my newsfeed here http://ohaicorona.com/teds-news-stand

Cheers ma cher twoops!

A Moving Moment

  This publication has moved to  The TEdASPHERE Globe , a magazine/newspaper style publication which I self-host. All the old posts will rem...